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Kostroma State Agricultural Academy


This year a lot of students have entered the Kostroma State Agricultural Academy. It is a land-grant institution of higher education offering access to knowledge and learning for citizens and students throughout the Russian Federation. Our research, teaching and extension programs are part of a national system.

Agriculture, food, and environmental systems are key components of Kostroma’s economic future, and the Academy is playing a prominent role in those areas with its programs. The Kostroma State Agricultural Academy seeks to be recognized as one of the top institutions of its kind in this challenging new century.

The Academy affirms its values. As an educational institution, we are guided by the values underlying the land-grant philosophy:

· learning – enhancing access to educational opportunities for all;

· discovery – expanding knowledge through research; and

· engagement – collaborating with diverse institutions, communities and people to improve lives. The hallmark of our work is the integration of these three values – learning, discovery, and engagement – into programs that make a difference.

On the History of the Academy

A small village Karavaevo, located not far from Kostroma, acquired a great reputation for breeding dairy cattle of high productivity in the 1930’s. By 1937, farm workers had a few cows which milk yields exceeded 10000 kg and one cow Poslushnitsa yielded up to 16000 kg. Its photo later appeared in school textbooks of zoology. This double purpose breed was awarded the title "Kostromskaya". It was suggested that additional education effort could benefit the milk and dairy industries. Thus in 1949, the Kostroma State Agricultural Academywas founded.

As a land-grant institution, Kostroma State Agricultural Academy was founded primarily to provide practical education. The first agriculture courses were focused on animal husbandry and agronomy. Soon other practical studies were added, such as dairying, veterinary and engineering programs.

Today, the Academy offers many directions for people interested in careers in animal and plant sciences, life sciences, biotechnology, environmental protection, biorenewable resources, business, education, technology and manufacturing, sustainable food production, global development and much more.


Задания к тексту  (самостоятельное изучение)


1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту (устно):

            1. Why do students choose the Kostroma State Agricultural Academy?

            2. Where is the Academy situated?

            3. What is the hallmark of the Academy?

            4. How did the cattle breed Kostromskaya apper?

            5. What educational programs does the Academy offer now?


2. Найдите в тексте предложения, в которых говорится о ценностях и принципах работы Костромской ГСХА.


3. Укажите основные этапы в истории Костромской ГСХА, а также названия факультетов и направлений подготовки студентов.


4. Выберите верные утверждения:

            1) Kostroma State Agricultural Academy has no lands.

            2) It is a land-grant institution of higher education

3) Only Kostroma students can entre the Academy.

4) Academy’s educational programs don’t have much difference from other educational institutions.

5) There was no reason to create the Academy in Karavaevo.

6) Kostroma State Agricultural Academy was founded primarily to provide practical education.

7)  Kostroma State Agricultural Academy was founded in 1937.

8) The Academy offers few directions for people interested in careers in animal and plant sciences.



Последнее изменение: среда, 4 апреля 2018, 12:59