Statistics calculation settings
Statistics calculation settings

Quiz information

Last calculated 1 hour 50 mins ago there have been 0 attempts since then.
Quiz name Учение об инфекции. Иммунитет. Микроорганизмы-возбудители инфекций Контрольное тестирование
Course name Микробиология и иммунология
Number of complete graded first attempts 12
Total number of complete graded attempts 12
Average grade of first attempts 94.17%
Average grade of all attempts 94.17%
Average grade of last attempts 94.17%
Average grade of highest graded attempts 94.17%
Median grade (for last attempt) 100.00%
Standard deviation (for last attempt) 14.43%
Score distribution skewness (for last attempt) -3.0660
Score distribution kurtosis (for last attempt) 9.8217
Coefficient of internal consistency (for last attempt) 80.00%
Error ratio (for last attempt) 44.72%
Standard error (for last attempt) 6.45%

Quiz structure analysis

Question name
Facility index
Standard deviation
Random guess score
Intended weight
Effective weight
Discrimination index
Discriminative efficiency
1RandomRandom question1291.67%28.87%10.00%17.81%94.39%100.00%
2RandomRandom question1291.67%28.87%10.00%17.81%94.39%100.00%
Random question
4RandomRandom question1291.67%28.87%10.00%17.81%94.39%100.00%
5RandomRandom question1291.67%28.87%10.00%17.81%94.39%100.00%
6RandomRandom question1291.67%28.87%10.00%17.81%94.39%100.00%
7RandomRandom question12100.00%0.00%10.00%0.00%
8RandomRandom question12100.00%0.00%10.00%0.00%
Random question
10RandomRandom question12100.00%0.00%10.00%0.00%
Range of statistics for these questions
View details
2 − 966.67% − 100.00%0.00% − 57.74%25.00% − 75.00%10.00% − 10.00%-14.00% − 100.00%-14.29% − 100.00%

Statistics for question positions