Live logs from the past hour (Updates every 60 seconds)
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20 September 2024, 4:31:22 AMAdmin Admin-URL: 5. ЦентрализацияURLCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'url' activity with course module id '91183'.web3.144.41.66
20 September 2024, 4:30:37 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemSection viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the section with id '32250'.web3.17.175.89
20 September 2024, 4:30:17 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24LogsLog report viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the log report for the course with id '3975'.web52.14.216.87
20 September 2024, 4:29:33 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemSection viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the section with id '32250'.web18.216.103.156
20 September 2024, 4:26:30 AMAdmin Admin-URL: 4. Древнерусские княжестваURLCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'url' activity with course module id '91180'.web3.144.249.69
20 September 2024, 4:25:39 AMAdmin Admin-URL: 7. СмутаURLCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'url' activity with course module id '91189'.web3.146.35.212
20 September 2024, 4:24:10 AMAdmin Admin-Page: Лекция 5. Древняя Русь XII - XV вв. Образование Русского централизованного государстваPageCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'page' activity with course module id '91182'.web3.17.173.100
20 September 2024, 4:23:30 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24LogsLog report viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the log report for the course with id '3975'.web18.191.140.174
20 September 2024, 4:19:09 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24QuizCourse module instance list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the instance list for the module 'quiz' in the course with id '3975'.web3.137.212.137
20 September 2024, 4:19:01 AMAdmin Admin-Quiz: Тест по "Время петровских реформ"QuizQuiz report viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the report 'overview' for the quiz with course module id '91196'.web18.226.28.180
20 September 2024, 4:13:19 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.12.148.210
20 September 2024, 4:12:39 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemSection viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the section with id '32249'.web3.14.250.32
20 September 2024, 4:12:18 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.133.127.195
20 September 2024, 4:12:11 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.224.54.152
20 September 2024, 4:11:56 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.118.30.253
20 September 2024, 4:11:23 AMAdmin Admin-URL: 8. Россия в XVII векеURLCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'url' activity with course module id '91192'.web18.118.93.185
20 September 2024, 4:09:46 AMAdmin Admin-Page: Лекция 5. Россия во второй четверти XIX векаPageCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'page' activity with course module id '91202'.web3.133.152.215
20 September 2024, 4:08:29 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.142.196.29
20 September 2024, 4:07:41 AMAdmin Admin-Page: Лекция 7. СССР в послевоенные годы (1945-1953 гг.)PageCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'page' activity with course module id '91224'.web85.208.96.200
20 September 2024, 4:07:03 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.146.35.212
20 September 2024, 4:06:47 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.145.44.179
20 September 2024, 4:05:31 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.118.207.25
20 September 2024, 4:05:21 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.144.232.46
20 September 2024, 4:04:58 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24LogsLog report viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the log report for the course with id '3975'.web3.145.104.137
20 September 2024, 4:03:42 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.221.107.62
20 September 2024, 4:03:26 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.217.72.7
20 September 2024, 4:02:33 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.119.138.48
20 September 2024, 4:02:13 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.21.44.71
20 September 2024, 4:01:00 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.139.240.125
20 September 2024, 4:00:59 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web52.15.86.164
20 September 2024, 4:00:49 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.138.67.144
20 September 2024, 4:00:33 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.191.178.88
20 September 2024, 4:00:32 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.191.178.88
20 September 2024, 4:00:26 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.128.79.143
20 September 2024, 3:59:25 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.129.21.105
20 September 2024, 3:58:01 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.119.121.13
20 September 2024, 3:57:53 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.21.97.173
20 September 2024, 3:57:52 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web13.58.176.91
20 September 2024, 3:56:40 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.138.134.19
20 September 2024, 3:55:57 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.220.233.82
20 September 2024, 3:55:50 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.218.17.14
20 September 2024, 3:55:35 AMAdmin Admin-Page: Лекция 5. СССР в 1930 - е годы. Формирование тоталитаризмаPageCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'page' activity with course module id '91220'.web3.144.41.66
20 September 2024, 3:55:29 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.188.226.91
20 September 2024, 3:55:16 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.133.146.158
20 September 2024, 3:54:37 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.139.236.181
20 September 2024, 3:54:29 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.16.203.122
20 September 2024, 3:54:27 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.16.203.122
20 September 2024, 3:54:16 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24LogsLog report viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the log report for the course with id '3975'.web3.133.131.54
20 September 2024, 3:54:00 AMAdmin Admin-Page: Лекция 7. Реформы Александра IIPageCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'page' activity with course module id '91205'.web3.144.232.191
20 September 2024, 3:53:35 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.222.117.112
20 September 2024, 3:52:33 AMAdmin Admin-Page: Лекция 4. Древняя Русь XII - XV вв. Древнерусские княжества XII-XIII вв.PageCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'page' activity with course module id '91179'.web3.145.85.60
20 September 2024, 3:52:21 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.191.239.146
20 September 2024, 3:52:17 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.189.182.176
20 September 2024, 3:51:46 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.15.4.59
20 September 2024, 3:51:00 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web52.15.86.164
20 September 2024, 3:50:24 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.138.134.19
20 September 2024, 3:50:12 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.16.67.56
20 September 2024, 3:48:42 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.145.186.60
20 September 2024, 3:48:39 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.145.186.60
20 September 2024, 3:47:48 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.118.144.146
20 September 2024, 3:47:46 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.218.8.152
20 September 2024, 3:47:32 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.217.199.187
20 September 2024, 3:47:29 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.138.134.76
20 September 2024, 3:47:27 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.138.134.76
20 September 2024, 3:47:16 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.219.180.175
20 September 2024, 3:47:11 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemSection viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the section with id '32247'.web18.191.107.209
20 September 2024, 3:46:55 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.17.156.51
20 September 2024, 3:46:23 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.145.58.75
20 September 2024, 3:46:11 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24LogsLog report viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the log report for the course with id '3975'.web3.141.198.210
20 September 2024, 3:45:47 AMAdmin Admin-Page: Лекция 7. Реформы Александра IIPageCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'page' activity with course module id '91205'.web3.138.106.212
20 September 2024, 3:45:23 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.137.180.214
20 September 2024, 3:45:17 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.135.216.168
20 September 2024, 3:44:47 AMAdmin Admin-Page: Лекция 5. СССР в 1930 - е годы. Формирование тоталитаризмаPageCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'page' activity with course module id '91220'.web3.145.179.2
20 September 2024, 3:44:14 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.129.23.122
20 September 2024, 3:43:50 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.188.226.91
20 September 2024, 3:40:44 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.137.219.237
20 September 2024, 3:40:13 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.220.197.67
20 September 2024, 3:40:12 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.220.197.67
20 September 2024, 3:40:11 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.145.201.35
20 September 2024, 3:39:54 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web13.58.105.121
20 September 2024, 3:39:54 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemSection viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the section with id '32247'.web52.15.166.205
20 September 2024, 3:39:53 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web52.15.166.205
20 September 2024, 3:38:56 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web18.118.146.14
20 September 2024, 3:38:08 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.15.188.93
20 September 2024, 3:37:09 AMAdmin Admin-Page: Лекция 5. Россия во второй четверти XIX векаPageCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'page' activity with course module id '91202'.web3.133.148.162
20 September 2024, 3:36:52 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemSection viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the section with id '32249'.web3.15.218.221
20 September 2024, 3:36:47 AMAdmin Admin-Course: История России 23/24 История России 23/24SystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3975'.web3.15.149.130