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20 September 2024, 6:40:14 AMAdmin Admin-Course: Агрометеорология Агрометеорология Иванова Марина Валерьевна очноSystemSection viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the section with id '28073'.web3.144.4.125
20 September 2024, 6:37:20 AMAdmin Admin-Course: Агрометеорология Агрометеорология Иванова Марина Валерьевна очноSystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3391'.web18.188.130.37
20 September 2024, 6:33:47 AMAdmin Admin-Course: Агрометеорология Агрометеорология Иванова Марина Валерьевна очноSystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3391'.web3.22.74.30
20 September 2024, 6:33:35 AMAdmin Admin-Course: Агрометеорология Агрометеорология Иванова Марина Валерьевна очноSystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3391'.web3.145.50.45
20 September 2024, 6:33:26 AMAdmin Admin-Course: Агрометеорология Агрометеорология Иванова Марина Валерьевна очноSystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3391'.web3.148.102.84
20 September 2024, 6:32:29 AMAdmin Admin-Course: Агрометеорология Агрометеорология Иванова Марина Валерьевна очноSystemUser list viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the list of users in the course with id '3391'.web3.141.27.97
20 September 2024, 6:01:30 AMAdmin Admin-Course: Агрометеорология Агрометеорология Иванова Марина Валерьевна очноSystemSection viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the section with id '27397'.web18.224.54.1
20 September 2024, 6:01:23 AMAdmin Admin-Course: Агрометеорология Агрометеорология Иванова Марина Валерьевна очноSystemSection viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the section with id '28002'.web3.138.34.177
20 September 2024, 5:47:40 AMAdmin Admin-Course: Агрометеорология Агрометеорология Иванова Марина Валерьевна очноSystemSection viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the section with id '26551'.web18.119.138.48