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20 September 2024, 5:37:33 AMAdmin Admin-Assignment: Ответ билет №16AssignmentGrading table viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the grading table for the assignment with course module id '44504'.web3.145.201.35
20 September 2024, 5:37:32 AMAdmin Admin-Assignment: Ответ билет №16AssignmentCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'assign' activity with course module id '44504'.web3.145.201.35
20 September 2024, 5:36:04 AMAdmin Admin-Assignment: Ответ билет №13AssignmentGrading table viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the grading table for the assignment with course module id '44501'.web18.221.124.137
20 September 2024, 5:36:04 AMAdmin Admin-Assignment: Ответ билет №13AssignmentCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'assign' activity with course module id '44501'.web18.221.124.137
20 September 2024, 5:33:29 AMAdmin Admin-Assignment: Ответ билет №23AssignmentGrading table viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the grading table for the assignment with course module id '44511'.web3.145.58.75
20 September 2024, 5:33:28 AMAdmin Admin-Assignment: Ответ билет №23AssignmentCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'assign' activity with course module id '44511'.web3.145.58.75
20 September 2024, 5:31:20 AMAdmin Admin-Assignment: Ответ билет №23AssignmentThe status of the submission has been viewed.The user with id '1' has viewed the submission status page for the assignment with course module id '44511'.web18.216.73.75
20 September 2024, 5:31:19 AMAdmin Admin-Assignment: Ответ билет №23AssignmentCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'assign' activity with course module id '44511'.web18.216.73.75
20 September 2024, 5:29:37 AMAdmin Admin-Course: ГОСЭКЗАМЕН 13.03.02 ГОСЭКЗАМЕН 13.03.02SystemSection viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the section with id '19712'.web18.119.109.8
20 September 2024, 5:27:23 AMAdmin Admin-Course: ГОСЭКЗАМЕН 13.03.02 ГОСЭКЗАМЕН 13.03.02LogsLog report viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the log report for the course with id '2494'.web3.145.58.75
20 September 2024, 5:26:34 AMAdmin Admin-File: Билет №9FileCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'resource' activity with course module id '44477'.web18.226.4.219
20 September 2024, 5:26:23 AMAdmin Admin-Course: ГОСЭКЗАМЕН 13.03.02 ГОСЭКЗАМЕН 13.03.02LogsLog report viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the log report for the course with id '2494'.web18.191.181.20
20 September 2024, 5:25:44 AMAdmin Admin-File: Билет №21FileCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'resource' activity with course module id '44489'.web3.149.238.159
20 September 2024, 4:45:11 AMAdmin Admin-Assignment: Ответ билет №20AssignmentGrading table viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the grading table for the assignment with course module id '44508'.web87.250.224.22
20 September 2024, 4:45:11 AMAdmin Admin-Assignment: Ответ билет №20AssignmentCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'assign' activity with course module id '44508'.web87.250.224.22