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20 September 2024, 4:04:36 AMAdmin Admin-Assignment: Задание к лекции - законспектировать и прислать фотоAssignmentThe status of the submission has been viewed.The user with id '1' has viewed the submission status page for the assignment with course module id '58502'.web3.144.1.201
20 September 2024, 4:04:35 AMAdmin Admin-Assignment: Задание к лекции - законспектировать и прислать фотоAssignmentCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'assign' activity with course module id '58502'.web3.144.1.201
20 September 2024, 3:55:09 AMAdmin Admin-Assignment: Задание к лекции - законспектировать и прислать фотоAssignmentGrading table viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the grading table for the assignment with course module id '58502'.web3.12.161.84
20 September 2024, 3:55:08 AMAdmin Admin-Assignment: Задание к лекции - законспектировать и прислать фотоAssignmentCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'assign' activity with course module id '58502'.web3.12.161.84
20 September 2024, 3:48:49 AMAdmin Admin-Course: ФБалцан Татьяна Михайловна (19251) Фармакогнезия - Экзамен - Балцан Татьяна МихайловнаActivity reportActivity report viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the outline activity report for the course with id '1545'.web3.145.58.75
20 September 2024, 3:48:21 AMAdmin Admin-Course: ФБалцан Татьяна Михайловна (19251) Фармакогнезия - Экзамен - Балцан Татьяна МихайловнаActivity reportActivity report viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the outline activity report for the course with id '1545'.web3.143.203.190