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20 September 2024, 3:49:31 AMAdmin Admin-URL: Научная электронная библиотека eLIBRARY.RUURLCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'url' activity with course module id '37284'.web3.145.8.188
20 September 2024, 3:49:07 AMAdmin Admin-URL: Научная электронная библиотека eLIBRARY.RUURLCourse module viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the 'url' activity with course module id '37284'.web3.145.169.176
20 September 2024, 3:45:26 AMAdmin Admin-Course: Отдел аспирантуры Отдел аспирантурыActivity reportActivity report viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the outline activity report for the course with id '2238'.web13.59.54.118
20 September 2024, 3:45:22 AMAdmin Admin-Course: Отдел аспирантуры Отдел аспирантурыSystemSection viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the section with id '15716'.web18.116.21.180
20 September 2024, 3:39:40 AMAdmin Admin-Course: Отдел аспирантуры Отдел аспирантурыActivity reportActivity report viewedThe user with id '1' viewed the outline activity report for the course with id '2238'.web3.133.148.162